Broken and Lost / Garrett Phelan

The object poem: Simple enough that we can teach grade school children to write them, complex enough that great poets write them. We think 3rd Wednesday’s poem of the week is a fine example of how much a good object poem can accomplish with a few lines – just look at that final question!

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Fruition / Carolyn R. Russell

Ordinarily a poet should avoid abstractions but, when handled with great skill, an abstraction can produce something as wonderful as this short poem. Great title, great ending, perfect word choices throughout, Fruition apprears in the summer issue of 3rd Wednesday. Thank you, Carolyn Russell, for showing us how it’s done.

Casual Gospel / David Prather

3rd Wednesday’s poem of the week is the 50/50 contest winner from the summer issue of the magazine. David Prather won half the voluntary entry fees and a one year subscription to the print magazine for his poem, Casual Gospel. The summer issue is available free in PDF format at our website or in print at a nominal price from Amazon.